On Thursday 3 March 2022, the Harold Hill Community Hub hosted an event to support residents with advice on free childcare, employment, developing skills, reducing bills and improving wellbeing.

The Leader of Havering Council, Councillor Damian White and Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Culture and People, joined stallholders at the ‘Better You in 22’ event that was delivered in partnership by the Council and the community voluntary sector.

The Havering Hubs, in Harold Hill and Rainham, have already seen a combined 2,500 visitors since opening last year.

The sites have provided employment support to 380 residents, with 22 now in work, and a further 139 residents have been supported who were at risk of losing their homes.

The hubs will play a key role in how Council are responding to the increased cost of living, with a further £30k being allocated in the 2022/2023 budget to roll out more community food shops in Romford and Rainham.

This follows on from the success of the Harold Hill community food shop that has already distributed nearly £40k worth of food to over 1,500 residents.

For a small weekly membership fee of £5, visitors can choose a variety of non-perishable, chilled and frozen food, worth £25 is available for only £5 – saving £20 each week.

Councillor Damian White, the Leader of the Council, said:

“It has been a challenging year, with the pain of Covid still being felt alongside the increased cost of living.

"That’s why we will continue to support low-income households through services like the Havering Hubs.

“Next year’s budget recognises the hugely successful Hubs project and builds on this success - to make it even easier for residents to access local services and get help.

“I look forward to more events like Better You in ’22 as the Havering Hubs develop.”

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Culture and People, said:

“Many families and individuals in our community are going through difficult times, especially since the pandemic and with the increased cost of living, making it even more challenging.

“The Havering Hubs are proving successful and have shown what can be achieved when the Council, voluntary and community sector come together and support our residents.

“Thanks to our partners and staff who helped deliver the ‘Better You in 22’ event.”


Published: 7 March 2022