Foster carers across Havering have been honoured for their service to children in care.

Havering Council showed its appreciation for its foster carers at the Havering Foster Carer Awards where carers who have been looking after children for the past five to 30 years were recognised for their service.

Mayor John Mylod, who presented the awards, said:

“Foster carers do an incredible job, providing stability and care to the children who need it most, in the most difficult of circumstances.

"The role of a foster carer is constant. There are no sick days or nights off.

“Thank you all for your continued dedication to Havering’s children in care and keep up the good work that you all undertake on a daily basis.

"You are the unsung heroes within our community.”

The awards took place in the second week of Foster Care Fortnight and saw awards go to more than 50 carers.

Each foster carer was presented with a personalised engraved vase and certificate from The Mayor.

Eileen Casey, fostering ambassador and vice chair of Havering Foster Carers' Association, said:

“Foster carers have had a tough couple of years adapting our lives to Covid.

"This meant online training and support groups, contact with families on Zoom, educating at home and locking down teens, while also trying to welcome new placements and keeping life safe, stable, but also fun. 

“During this time Havering foster carers have shown their resilience and dedication to the children and this awards ceremony was a great way to show that we are appreciated. 

“We can’t wait to get back to our great days out and many of us are looking forward to our long awaited fostering weekend away.”

The ceremony also recognised three carers who had passed away during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Published: 17 May 2022