tree award

The recently opened Memorial Woodland at Hornchurch Country Park has been honoured by The Forestry Commission and the Mayor of London at the 2022 London Tree and Woodland Awards.

At a ceremony within Kew Gardens on Tuesday 17 May 2022, the Council picked up the Community Woodland Award which recognises planting projects that have been inspired, driven and been delivered by local community groups.

The judges awarded the prize for the collective volunteer effort by the Council and Thames Chase Trust that contributed to 4,000 trees being planted at the Memorial Woodland, which was also supported by the Friends of Ingrebourne Valley and Hornchurch Country Park.

The London Tree and Woodland Awards celebrate the work of individuals, communities and professionals to protect, improve and expand the capital’s tree and woodland cover.

Light-heartedly dubbed the ‘Tree Oscars’, they are organised by the Forestry Commission and supported by the Mayor of London.

They aim to raise the profile of London’s trees and woodlands by showcasing the fantastic efforts taking place all over the city to protect and increase London’s urban forest.

Andrew Blake Herbert, Chief Executive, Havering Council said:

“The Memorial Woodland was created with our communities in mind, as a living testament to those who have lost their lives, family or loved ones during the Covid 19 pandemic.

“It also honours our key workers and residents who kept the borough safe.

“To receive an award in recognition of the community effort is really pleasing and testament to the contribution of staff and volunteers at the site.”


Published: 30 May 2022