Myplace youth and community centre celebrated its 10th anniversary with a grand party and community day in Harold Hill.

The community centre opened its doors 10 years ago to provide a place for educational, cultural, health and social visits.

It boasts a performance hall, a music room, games room, café and soft play. It is also home to Havering Youth Service.

Over the years it has been the venue for BBC Question Time on three occasions, hosted Eid events, business breakfasts, charity tea mornings and summer fetes. 

It has provided a meeting place for many community groups and clubs and for the past 10 years has also hosted holiday activities, which went online for a spell during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was built as an eco-friendly building which includes solar panels and air venting systems which earned a Public Sector Sustainability Award.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“Myplace has been at the heart of the local community for the past 10 years providing support, a place to meet and to get involved in local life as well as to provide fun.

“It has helped to transform lives of many of our residents, including our youth, who have a place to meet and try out new skills, and who have grown up with us over the years.

“Congratulations to the staff who have worked so hard to make it the place that it is.” 

At their celebratory party, guests enjoyed games, music and dance, food and an Alice in Wonderland trail, among other activities.

Ian Weir, Centre Manager, said: 

“We pride ourselves on the vast work we do with young people and have worked with many young people from across Havering and beyond. 

“It has often meant spending many late nights ensuring young people have somewhere safe to go and being signposted to services and support they may need. 

“Over the year’s staff here have won numerous team and individual awards for their services to the community and they have all contributed to the growth of myplace as they have left their mark on the building.

“On a personal note, for the on and off 8 years I have been involved with myplace on my journey from a volunteer youth worker to the centre manager I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and it has been a pleasure meeting and working with members of the community I was raised in.” 

Published: 22 June 2022