Junior Citizen scheme underway for 2022
School children from across the borough are attending this year's Junior Citizen Scheme

Around 2,000 school children across Havering are learning important life skills to help keep them safe.

As part of the annual Junior Citizens Scheme, Year six pupils from primary schools are spending the next two weeks learning how to travel safely on public transport.

They are also learning to be more aware of drugs and knife crime, and what to do in different emergency situations.

The scheme is run by Havering Council’s Community Safety and Enforcement teams alongside partners.

This includes the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, Safer Transport Police, Road Safety and Wize Up, who will offer advice around the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

There are workshops where the young people will experience real-life situations and will be asked to role-play in a series of challenges and scenarios.

Each school will be awarded points for their knowledge and for demonstrating what they have learned during the sessions.

At the end of the fortnight, the school with the most points will be awarded with a shield and certificates.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“The Junior Citizen Scheme is a great way for our young people who will soon be making the leap from primary school into secondary school.

"For them to learn various life skills necessary to prepare them for both the change and the challenges they could possibly face.

“It gives them a chance to speak personally with police officers and fire fighters,

"Also, to get vital advice on how they can actually deal with a situation and be confident in doing so.”

Junior Citizen runs until 1 July 2022 at the TA Centre in London Road, Romford. It is funded by MOPAC (Mayor’s Office for Police and Crime).


Published: 22 June 2022