Havering Council’s licensing and trading standards teams have been out across the borough checking on whether local retailers are selling age-restricted goods to young people aged under 18.

In recent operations, the teams visited different premises with teenage volunteers.

They helped officers by going into the businesses to attempt to buy a product that can only be sold to someone over 18, focusing this time, on e-cigarettes and alcohol.

Out of the 18 premises visited, one business did sell an e-cigarette to the young volunteer. 

Officers will speak with the business as to what action will be taken next and give necessary advice and support.

Seven other businesses refused to sell the age-restricted goods and officers will re-visit premises which were closed at the time of the operations.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“These operations give us the opportunity to check and ensure our local businesses are being compliant and not selling these type of products to young people.

“We’re pleased to see that the majority of the retailers visited did not sell to the young volunteers.

"If they do, we will take the necessary actions against them and if we need to, we will look to prosecute.

“We will also give advice and support as we want to work together with our local businesses so we can help keep our young people safe.”


Published: 29 June 2022