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Havering Council has set up an assistance centre to continue to support residents affected by the fires on Tuesday 19 July 2022 in Wennington.

The centre, located in the sports hall at Harrow Lodge Leisure Centre in Hornchurch, will offer housing, finance and money support, health and mental health services, educational therapists and partners from the North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), Havering Mind and the British Red Cross.

It will be open today (Thursday 21 July 2022) from 9.30am to 12noon initially.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“I spent the whole day yesterday with residents and cannot begin to describe the unprecedented scenes and traumatic stories I’ve heard and seen the devastation for myself.

“Council officers, along with colleagues from the London Fire Brigade, Metropolitan Police and other agencies, continue to work tirelessly to make sure that all the residents that have been displaced by these fires are given the best care and support.

“My heartfelt thanks goes to everyone that’s shown fantastic strength and rallied to help our community at this most difficult time.

“There is much more work to do, and we will continue to support our residents without a moments pause.”

We understand that all those displaced have access to their own cars, but if that isn’t the case or your circumstances have changed and you need transport, please call Harrow Lodge Leisure Centre on 01708 454135 so that we can arrange that for you.

The rest of the leisure centre will also reopen to the public.



Published: 21 July 2022