Image of school artist impression
Artist impression of the new school for Bridge Close, Romford

Following an extensive and wide-ranging consultation on the proposals for Bridge Close Industrial Estate, residents are being invited to attend a series of exhibition events for updates on the plans.

Havering Council, through its development company, Bridge Close Regeneration LLP, is working to redevelop Bridge Close Industrial Estate.

It aims to create a high quality, mixed-use development, which will provide much needed affordable housing for local people, a brand new primary school, health services, and jobs, as well as open up the River Rom to make it a key part of the town.

This includes a new bridge to open up the town centre, which will simultaneously revitalise a stretch of the River Rom and connect existing neighbourhoods to the town centre and Queen’s Hospital.

The latest series of events, taking place at The Brewery on Brewery Walk as well as online, will provide residents with an update on the proposals ahead of the full planning application submission this autumn and provide an opportunity to feedback.

They are being hosted by Cascade Communications on behalf of Bridge Close Regeneration LLP.

The events are scheduled to take place as follows:

In-person events at The Brewery, Brewery Walk, Romford RM1 1AU

  • Wednesday 26 October 2022 from 11am to 2pm
  • Saturday 29 October 2022 from 12noon to 3pm

Online webinar

  • Thursday 27 October 2022 from 6pm to 7pm

People can register for the online webinar by visiting the website or by emailing

Councillor Graham Williamson, Havering Council Cabinet Lead for Development and Regeneration, said:

“We would like to thank the 1,600 residents who have participated in our public consultation events for Bridge Close Romford over the last 4 years.

“These upcoming events will provide residents with the opportunity to see how their feedback has helped shape our plans, ahead of submitting the planning application later this year.”

Go to our Bridge Close regeneration page

Published: 14 October 2022