Havering’s Youth Justice Service has received an overall rating of “Good” following an inspection by HM Inspectorate of Probation.
The service was inspected and rated on how it delivered its services, and the quality of the work done with children who have both been sentenced, and those that are diverted from the youth justice system.
The youth justice service was praised for its strong management of helping children who go through the courts and helping them to move away from crime, as well as successfully diverting children from future offending, and for the strength of working with local partners.
Inspectors said improvements were required in how the service assesses the needs and risk of children involved in cases outside of the criminal justice system.
They also highlighted that the service had missed opportunities to speak to children and their parents or carers about their supervision.
The report makes seven recommendations, which when implemented, it says, “will have a positive impact on the quality of youth offending services in Havering.”
Working with its partners, the team will be focusing on implementing the learnings from the inspection and the key priorities within its Youth Justice Plan to continue to build upon and develop excellent outcomes for children and young people across Havering.
Councillor Oscar Ford, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said:
“This is welcome news for the service as it demonstrates the hard work and commitment of the staff and how they are reaching and supporting our children and young people who find themselves in the justice system.
“It reinforces much of what we already know and shows us that we are on the right track to keep as many people out of the criminal justice system and that, with a continuing focus on improvement, we can ensure better outcomes for our young people.”
Chief Inspector of Probation, Justin Russell, said:
“We were impressed with many aspects of Havering Youth Justice Service’s work, not least their ability to focus on children’s diverse needs and understanding of how to divert them away from further offences.
“They have specialists available, such as mental health and education staff, to provide support and keep children safe, which ensures the safety of other people and victims.”