Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“The process of agreeing the new permit parking charges has been reviewed.  A paper showing the first permit parking increases for many years was included at the Overview and Scrutiny committee and at the Cabinet Meeting held on the following evening.

“An Addendum was emailed to Cabinet Members on the day of their meeting, with higher increase charges to those presented to the Scrutiny Committee. This was received too late for Cabinet Members to have oversight of and comment on. 

“If an Addendum is attached to a report, the normal practice is for this to be highlighted at the meeting, this however did not take place at the Cabinet Meeting.

"Officers have made the Leader and Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee aware and have apologised for this and are looking at the process to make sure that this does not happen again.

“The Administration take the process of scrutiny very seriously and encourage our own Members to call in decisions if they have any concerns or require further information.

"It is therefore disappointing that on this occasion, scrutiny did not have that opportunity to discuss the Addendum that was published late on the following day.

“We are sorry for this error and the stress and inconvenience this may have caused residents. Officers have now been requested to set parking permit charges to the agreed Overview and Scrutiny Board figures and any resident that has already paid the higher charge, will be reimbursed the difference.

“We have been open and honest that the Council faces one of the toughest financial challenges it has ever seen and we have had to make some tough decisions."

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Published: 3 May 2023