Havering Council Officers presented a report to councillors confirming that the proposal will be explored through the lens of a Local Development Order (LDO) and what the process is of making one.

The presentation, on Thursday 8 June 2023, explained to councillors which planning route will be focused on for the unique data centre facility.

Plus the ecology park, low carbon food production and green energy centre which will become a focal point for research and development in low carbon industries.

This will have far-reaching benefits for the whole region. 

This does not guarantee that a Local Development Order will be made.

Since that decision can only be reached at the end of a detailed process which fully considers all of the material planning issues. 

The decision means efforts will now be channelled into exploring the merits of that particular process.

The presentation and report also explained what role Strategic Planning Committee will have in the LDO process too. 

Eleanor Alexander, Design and Technology Director from Digital Reef, said:

“It was great to mark this next milestone of the project. 

“We look forward to returning for the next stage later this summer.

"Hopefully it will provide the justification needed that the Local Development Order is the right process to be pursuing.

"To realise this ground-breaking opportunity for Havering.”

Councillor Graham Williamson, Cabinet member for Regeneration, said:

“I am pleased that the presentation to Strategic Planning Committee once again went well and there is growing support for this project.

"There are huge benefits that the data centre and ecology park could mean for the borough, our residents, our country and indeed, the world.”


Published: 9 June 2023