new enforcement team are welcomed
Cllr Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, Cllr Barry Mugglestone, Havering's Cabinet Member for Enforcement, welcome the new enforcement officers

Havering Council has introduced a new enforcement team to crack down on litter louts.

The uniformed officers can hand out FPNs to those found littering and fly-tipping.

It also includes enforcement on not clearing up dog mess and being in breach of our PSPOs (Public Space Protection Orders).

In addition, they will also be responsible for locking and unlocking park gates.

The officers are provided by NES (National Enforcement Solutions) to work on behalf of the Council.

They will work alongside our existing enforcement team to help make the borough safer and cleaner.

Income from fines will pay for the service and will also contribute towards the wider enforcement team and other educational and environmental projects.

In their first week on patrol, they have already issued over 300 on-the-spot fines for dropped litter and other environmental crime.

They issued 319 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to people found littering including dropping chewing gum and cigarette butts.

The officers were in Romford Town Centre where the level of littering is high but they will also be patrolling other parts of the borough too.

The fines are set at around £150 for littering but officers can also issue other fines of up to £400 for fly-tipping and commercial waste offences.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said: 

“We are delighted to have these extra officers on board to help us crack down and be a deterrent to people who are blighting our borough with their anti-social behaviour. 

“Their presence will be a welcome sight and also signal to residents, that we have a zero approach to anyone littering, not clearing up after their dogs and illegally dumping waste.

“The extra resource also means they can carry out duties such as locking and unlocking park gates.

"They will be an extra pair of eyes and ears when working in partnership with police and other organisations.”

Andy McDonald, National Operations Manager, National Enforcement Solutions, said: 

“National Enforcement Solutions is excited to be selected by Havering Council to help tackle environmental crimes and help make a difference.

“We’ll be working closely with the Council’s own internal enforcement team to gather intelligence around hotspots.

"This will help free up their time to tackle more complex issues.

“We’re committed in helping the Council achieve its goals and support educational campaigns towards the prevention of environmental crime.”


Published: 29 June 2023