It was a big day for students in the borough as they received their much-anticipated exam results today (17 August 2023).

For many it was an early start as they arrived at their schools to find out if they had received the grades to take them to the next step in life.

Students were expecting the results for studies in A-levels, BTEC and T Level examinations.

At Coopers’ Company and Coborn School in Upminster, where 234 pupils took their A-levels, students started arriving before 8am, where they met fellow pupils and staff before receiving their results envelopes.

Across the borough more than 800 pupils sat their A-levels. 

Councillor Oscar Ford, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, visited the school to find out how pupils got on and to hear about their plans for the future.

He said: “It was really inspiring speaking to the young people and hearing their plans to go onto college, university and training courses.

“Our congratulations go out to students across Havering who have worked hard to achieve the grades they wanted. We wish them every success for the future. 

“We also know that some students were disappointed in their results and we’d urge them not to give up hope as help and support is available to help them decide what to do next.” 

Rob Bell, Deputy Head says: “Once again we are immensely proud of our students; each and every one of them will have been on their own journey over the past two years and they have shown resilience and tenacity throughout. 

“Ultimately their success is down to them, but a mention must also be made to the tremendous support we receive from parents/carers and also the dedication and hard work of the 6th Form, pastoral and teaching teams at the school, in particular their exceptional Head of Year, Mrs Marshall. 

“Academic results are obviously important but they are also a wonderful cohort of young people who embody our ethos of 'Love as Brethren'. It is fantastic to see them move on to the next stage of their lives, whether that is university or the world of work.” 

One student, Himmat, achieved 4 A*s in chemistry, maths, further maths and physics, and will be going to Imperial University, London, to study aerospace engineering.

He said: “I am very pleased. I was nervous about my physics, but I put in a lot of work and was confident, so I’m pleased to be going to Imperial University.” 

Ben, received two As and an A* in maths, physics and further maths, and is looking forward to spending five years studying a masters degree in mechanical engineering at Birmingham University.

A keen swimmer, he has linked what he loves doing and will incorporate how swimmers can get faster as part of his studies.

Kira, who received 2 A*s and an A in English, German and Psychology, will be studying German and English, which she said she’d developed a love for from an early age.

Headteacher Sue Hay told pupils said:

“Your results are absolutely incredible. You should be very glad at what you have achieved. We are so proud of you.

She urged pupils: “We love ex-students to come back and talk to other students about their journey and to give them encouragement.”

For pupils who need some support after receiving their results please visit the exam results day page of the good thinking website.

Published: 17 August 2023