Havering Council joins hands with the NHS, voluntary sector partners and local organisations to launch ‘By Your Side’, a partner-led cost of living campaign to offer support to residents.

As inflation soars and energy costs surge, local residents continue to face mounting pressure amidst the cost of living crisis.  

Havering Council is working with local communities, organisations and voluntary sector partners to direct residents to their Cost of Living Hub under the banner of Havering Helps, a wider cost of living support network. 

This partnership-led campaign will help deliver support to struggling residents in a number of ways: 

Pension Credits 

The Council will send out letters to encourage eligible residents to apply for Pension Credits along with other support. The campaign uses existing administrative data to target those who may be eligible for further support without realising.  

Warm Spaces 

Working alongside voluntary, community and local organisations, the Council has set up a network of Warm Spaces across the borough.

These include libraries, leisure centres, community centres, community hubs offering residents a warm welcome and will be free to use for anyone struggling to heat their home.  

These events are being hosted by the Housing Resident Engagement Team and feature the Financial Inclusion team along with other Council services and external partners. 

Energy Doctors 

Havering Council continues to run its Energy Doctors service which is a free service for all Havering residents.

The service makes it easier for residents to save money on energy bills and get their homes ready for winter, by offering professional advice on energy efficiency and making small changes and repairs to their homes. 

This can help residents save £209 per household per year on energy bills. This service is being provided in partnership with Age UK East London and is available to everyone living in Havering.  

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said: 

“As we head into winter – people will be feeling the pinch and the cold. 

“It is really important that we do everything we can to support residents who, through no fault of their own, are struggling to make ends meet. 

"I’m pleased to see that Havering Council is taking the lead in delivering a partner-led campaign in getting a wealth of information in a single place and delivering help alongside our fantastic partners. 

"Together we hope to ensure that residents know what help is available to them and where they can go to get. We are living in difficult times but please know you are not alone and that we are by your side this winter.” 

If you or someone you know is struggling to find support on cost of living, you can contact us directly. Email costoflivingresponse@havering.gov.uk, or call the Cost of Living helpline on 01708 432280. 

Published: 6 November 2023