Funding from a specialist recycling scheme at the South Essex Crematorium has helped to extend a confidential counselling service support offered to adults and children in Havering coping with grief.

The HBBS Counselling (formerly Havering and Brentwood Bereavement Service) was due to come to an end in March.

It is now able to continue for longer thanks to a cheque for £14,000 donated as part of a scheme, which sees the recycling of metals carried out following cremations with the permission of families of the deceased.

It also helps to minimise the impact of cremations on the environment.

The counselling service gives valuable support to those bereaved after the loss of a loved one, including support for children and young people.

South Essex Crematorium is a member of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) and is a gold standard member of the Charter for the Bereaved.

Councillor Paul Middleton, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Bereavement Services, said: 

“This dedicated metals recycling scheme is only made possible with the express permission of the next of kin. 

“Our thoughts and thanks go to families for their immense generosity at such a sensitive time.”

 Louise Mundy, CEO of HBBS said:  

“This unexpected donation is such good news for local people seeking specialist bereavement support at a time often of significant need. It enables the HBBS to continue offering free counselling, thank you.”

Published: 27 February 2024