Robber jailed
Dean Wade, photo courtesy of Havering Police

A robber who assaulted women in Havering has been jailed following an operation by plain-clothes officers from the Havering Joint Taskforce.

Dean Wade, of Ethelburga Road, Romford, was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court at the end of February, to five years and six months imprisonment.

An investigation was launched by officers from the Havering Joint Taskforce, which includes five Council-funded S92 police officers.

They looked into incidents linked to Wade that had seen three women reportedly assaulted, and their handbags snatched in July 2023 in Romford and Ilford.

In a special operation in Collier Row last July, the officers tracked down Wade, who was driving a vehicle with cloned number plates.

Officers stopped the vehicle and following a struggle that saw one officer injured, they arrested Wade on suspicion of robbery.

Pleading guilty in court, Wade was charged in July 2023 with two counts of robbery, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance. 

In February, additional offences of theft, actual bodily harm and dangerous driving, were added to Wade’s charges. 

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“This offender has been taken off the streets and that can only be a good thing as we continue to work with partners to make our borough safer for women and all residents.

“I would like to thank all those involved, including our own Council-funded Section 92 Police  officers, who carried out this investigation to make sure this person was stopped. 

“We also praise the bravery of everyone affected by Wade’s actions who came forward to report these crimes, so that he could be brought to justice.”

Detective Constable Adam Offord, from the Metropolitan Police East Area Command, said: 

“Dean Wade’s offences were callous and cowardly. He chose to target lone women and was prepared to assault them in order to steal their belongings.

"Havering is safer now that he is behind bars.

“I would like to thank the victims who came forward to assist the investigation as each report helped us build a picture of the suspect, his movements and his vehicle.

“We fully understand the devastating effects of robbery for anyone who experiences it.

“I sincerely hope that everyone targeted by Wade has been able to recover and move forward, something Wade himself will not be doing for some considerable time.”

Published: 19 March 2024