Black background with gold ring and words 'Havering Small Business Awards 2023/24'

Nominations are now open for the Havering Small Business Awards 2023/24.

Now in their third year - this year’s awards main sponsor is Havering’s 12 Estates Regeneration Joint Venture Partner, Wates, and media sponsor is TIME 107.5 FM.

This year, the awards format is changing to help encourage even more businesses from across the whole borough to enter, with the first round of nominations open for businesses to nominate themselves.

The nomination period has also been extended from four weeks to five.

The nominations are designed to be straightforward and easy, giving Havering businesses the opportunity to select the one award they think they deserve to win.

Last year, the Council received more than 430 nominations for individual small businesses and we’re hoping to top that this year with even more representation from businesses across the borough.

When a Havering Business enters, they’ll be asked to explain and evidence why they should be shortlisted for that award.

We have provided some handy tips for to help nominees do this quickly and easily.

If a business is successfully shortlisted, we will do a cross check with council teams including business rates, public protection and environmental enforcement, to make sure that they qualify for the next and final voting round.

Then, it will be over to the public to vote on who they think is best!

The three businesses with the highest number of individual public votes from the second round will then be invited to an awards evening in September 2024.

The categories this year

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said: 

“The Awards are a timely reminder of how important it is to show our support for our businesses and to shop locally wherever possible.

"With your help, we’re hoping to make the awards even bigger and better this year. 

“Despite the Council’s financial challenges, I’m pleased that thanks to our generous sponsors we are able to run these awards for another year.

"I would like to thank all of them for their support in particular to our regeneration joint venture partner Wates who are our key sponsor for the awards, and to Time 107.5FM, our media partner again this year.”

“We want as many businesses as possible to nominate themselves this year and to encourage the public to then vote for our finalists when that stage of the voting opens later in June.

"Remember to follow the Havering Small Business Awards 2023/24 on our social media channels or by searching #HaveringSBA too.”

Hugh Jeffery, Regional Development Manager for Wates, said:

“Wates is proud to be the main sponsor for this year’s Havering Small Business Awards.

“As joint venture partner with Havering Council for the 12 Estates regeneration scheme, not only are we are committed to delivering 3,500 homes over the next 12 years, but also establishing a lasting legacy for Havering residents and businesses through the supply chain initiative, employment, training and social value opportunities.

“We are very pleased to be able to offer this wider support and celebrate Havering Small Businesses.”

 Go to the awards page to read more and nominate


Published: 28 March 2024