Havering Council’s Cabinet has formally approved a revised Havering Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) for 2024 to 2027.

The HCCAP builds on the foundations of the previous action plan in tackling climate change and delivering a carbon neutral Council by 2040 or sooner, meaning the Council will emit no more greenhouse gases than it can absorb.

The nine work streams set out within the plan, show how the Council aims to meet this target, with Transport and Domestic Gas use identified as being the most responsible for carbon emissions.

The HCCAP will help the Council deliver on a number of outcomes. These include:

  • connecting with people to encourage, influence and enable informed decision making and behaviour change
  • responding to the effects of climate change on Havering residents and businesses
  • producing credible data to support our journey to carbon neutrality
  • continue working with the voluntary sector to unlock the power of community action
  • managing Council services and organisation to address climate change in an efficient and cost-effective way
  • ensuring local residents and business to take advantage of the employment and business opportunities emerging in the green jobs market

Councillor Keith Darvill, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Housing Need, said:

“Havering Council declared a climate emergency in March 2023 and we’ve already made a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2040 or before.

“The updated HCCAP will not only reduce carbon emissions, it will also help achieve financial savings, make us more energy efficient, and produce improvements to our homes, businesses, parks and green spaces.

“The plan continues to be dynamic and innovative, and it will be reviewed annually to ensure actions remain up to date, and performance is analysed.

“I am pleased that the HCCAP reflects our leadership in working with partners, businesses and residents to ensure the wider borough reduces emissions in line with the UK national commitments.”

Read the updated HCCAP  

Published: 11 April 2024