A statement from Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, on the racist attack that took place in Romford on Saturday 20 April 2024.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“Like many of you, I was sickened by the video that emerged this weekend of a man racially abusing a group of Muslim women in Romford.

"In a despicable display of cowardice, the man in question was seen spewing vile rhetoric and threatening the women simply for daring to step outside in their community. 

“Let’s be clear, this is a hate crime, and will not be tolerated.

"I’m pleased to say that thanks to conscientious members of the public, and a quick response from our local police, this individual, who police confirmed is not a Havering resident, has been arrested. 

“I hope this sends a clear message to anyone else harbouring hatred in their hearts, this behaviour is not welcome in Havering. 

“There is more that unites us than divides us, and I’m calling on our local community to join me and make it clear that Havering is for everyone.

"We will always treat all our communities fairly and equally.”

Published: 22 April 2024