Havering’s Cabinet has approved the Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024-2029 that aims to eradicate child obesity within the next 20 years.

Cabinet Members formally adopted the strategy at a meeting last night (15 May 2024).

It follows a public consultation earlier this year which asked residents for their views on living a healthier lifestyle.

The Council has been working in partnership with over 25 local organisations to develop the strategy that will help address obesity in Havering.

Research shows that Havering has high rates of childhood and adulthood obesity, with approximately one in five reception aged children, two in five year 6 aged children and 65 percent of adults being overweight or obese, making the borough one of the most overweight in London.

Where we live, work and play has a huge impact on what we eat, how much we eat and how much exercise we get during the day.

If surrounded by unhealthy options, it makes it more difficult to have a healthy lifestyle.

The Council, working alongside partners, such as the NHS, will now be aiming to make healthier choices the ‘easier option’ and help residents to live a healthier and longer life.

Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Public Health, said:

“Obesity and being overweight is everyone’s business as it is causing ill-health and cutting lives short, through a variety of complex reasons.

“We know obesity and being overweight can lead to a whole range of health problems, such as being more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, have high blood pressure, increased cholesterol and certain cancers.

"Our Healthy Weight Strategy sets out a five year plan and a twenty year vision on how the borough will work together to take action at a number of levels. 

“The strategy will help Havering join together and make it easier for residents to maintain a healthier weight.”

Read the Cabinet paper

Published: 17 May 2024