Following the local elections in May 2022, as no one party had an overall majority, the Council’s Administration has been made up of Havering Residents Association (HRA) and Labour Councillors.

This arrangement has now come to an end. 

This means the HRA will now lead the Council as a minority Administration.

The numbers are as follows.

  • HRA – 26
  • Conservative – 16
  • Labour - 8
  • East Havering Residents Group – 3
  • Resident Association Independent Group – 2

This has also led to a change in Cabinet. Councillor Natasha Summers (HRA) will become Cabinet Member for Housing Need, replacing Councillor Keith Darvill (Labour).

The portfolio holder who will look after Climate Change will be confirmed in due course.

Councillor Paul McGeary will remain in Cabinet as the portfolio holder for Housing and Property, as a HRA member.

The Leader of Havering Council, Councillor Ray Morgon, said:

“I want to thank the Labour group for their support, and in particular their Leader, Cllr Keith Darvill for working with us in Administration.

"Following a change in numbers, we have agreed to part from the relationship and continue as a Havering Residents Association Group only Administration.

“Our plans in how we deliver our services will not change and it is clear that we still have a massive mountain to climb due to our very poor financial position.

"I hope the whole council, including the Labour group, support us in lobbying for a better deal for Havering, whoever forms the next government.

“This will not change our delivery of services to our residents and against our agreed corporate plan making sure we are meeting the targets we have set out.”

Published: 5 June 2024