Havering Council is re-opening the special educational needs home to school transport consultation to extend it to pupils who received a personal transport budget to travel outside the borough.

It follows an error that came to light after the Council was informed by parents and carers that not all out of borough schools had been consulted.

After an initial investigation by Council staff it came to light that a number of out of borough schools were not consulted despite children with SEND attending using a personal transport budget.

The consultation will now be re-opened to give the missed schools an opportunity to have their say.

Tara Geere, Havering’s Director of Children’s Services, said:

“We wholeheartedly apologise for excluding these schools and would like to invite them to take part in the consultation.

"We are therefore re-opening the consultation to allow them to give their views and any concerns can be taken into consideration.

“We have extended the survey to include all schools outside the borough that have a Havering child with an education, health and care plan (EHCP), as well as those who receive transport support. 

“An initial investigation has been carried out into how certain groups were missed and it has come to light that different lists are held by different transport groups.

"We have now commissioned an independent investigation to look into this matter." 

Schools will now have 28 working days to complete the consultation and the information received will be included in the consultation.

Any new comments would go to Cabinet for a decision.

Published: 18 June 2024