Plans to redevelop a number of sites along the A1306 (New Road) in Rainham take another step forward next week with a public consultation and exhibition.

The Beam Parkway development covers 11 sites and the public exhibitions scheduled over the next two weeks will show Havering Council’s proposals for the sites.

The exhibition and public consultation meetings will be held on Wednesday 29 March at Rainham Library between 3pm and 8pm and at the Mardyke Community Centre on Monday 3 April also between 3pm and 8pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

These meetings follow a public consultation in 2015 to design a planning framework for the wider Rainham and Beam Park area, and are separate from development proposals from Countryside/L&Q and Clarion Housing Group for other locations in the vicinity.

The plans for the 11 sites are designed to deliver new homes and infrastructure and in many cases bring former industrial land into residential use.

Planning applications for the sites are likely to be made later this Spring as Havering Council appoint a development partner to  transform the area into a desirable neighbourhood providing a quality living environment. These align to the Council’s  wider plans for the area that include a new local centre at Beam Park, a brand new train station on the C2C line, a transformed New Road with parkland along its length and easy access to the historic Rainham Village.

Councillor Ron Ower, Havering Council’s Cabinet Member responsible for the Housing Zone said:

“I encourage everyone to have a look at the exciting plans for regenerating this part of Rainham and to have their say on our proposals. The new developments will be served by a brand new railway station opening in 2020 and a school and we think that when complete these developments will greatly enhance the area for existing residents and provide much needed homes for people to live in our borough.” 

The public consultation closes on Saturday 7 April.

Published: 23 March 2017