A Planning application for a 0.26 acre plot of land in an established residential location in Bedale Road, Harold Hill, has been earmarked for housing development.
The site, which is still subject to planning approval, proposes four 4-bedroom houses for sale.
It is one of the sites identified for planning purposes with a view to its subsequent disposal, under the Asset Disposal Programme 2022- 2028, agreed by Cabinet in August 2023.
Councillor Graham Williamson, Cabinet Lead for Development and Regeneration, said:
“The sale of this land will generate capital receipts integral to the council’s wider Capital Strategy whilst still allowing us to have more control over what gets built.
“Residents will have an opportunity to comment on the planning application, but I hope that retaining part of the open space for the benefit of the wider community and the creation of family-sizes homes will go a long way to making it a very positive scheme'.”