River Rom
Artist's impression of River Rom and Bridge Close development

Local residents and businesses are being invited to have their say about plans to transform an area of Romford within the ring-road.

London Borough of Havering has entered into a joint venture with First Base, an urban regeneration specialist and Savills Investment Management who own land in Bridge Close to bring forward new homes, workspace, a new school and health services for Romford.

In addition, plans will also include a new pedestrian bridge with direct access to Romford station and the revitalisation of the stretch of the River Rom so that it can enjoyed by all.

The public exhibition will be held on Saturday 29 September, from 10am-4pm at the Brewery Shopping Centre, Romford.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of the Council, said:

“We are very keen to hear directly from residents and local businesses about your ambitions and aspirations for Romford and how the plans at Bridge Close can contribute to these. 

"I encourage everyone to come along and have their say on how the plans will be developed”.

Published: 21 September 2018