Cllr Viddy Persaud at Safer Neighbourhood Board community event
Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, with local police at the Safer Neighbourhood Board community day

Residents flocked to a community event on Saturday (29 September), joining volunteers and community groups across the borough to look at how working together can help prevent crime.

The event in Romford Market, was hosted by the Safer Neighbourhood Board in partnership with the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, Havering Council’s Community Safety & Enforcement Teams and Trading Standards.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety was there along with the Mayor of Havering, Councillor Dilip Patel.

Representatives from all organisations were there to give advice to residents and visitors on how to deal with or report criminal activity such as scams, burglaries and the issue of cold-callers. There was also community safety advice from the London Fire Brigade.

Local voluntary organisations and community groups such as Streetwatch, Neighbourhood Watch, Over 50s Forum, Stop and Search and the BME Forum were on hand to answer questions on keeping safe.

Youngsters at the event were able to sit inside a police car and meet members of the local emergency services.

Councillor Persaud said: “It was great to see so many people at the event, showing an interest in the safety of their community.

“Events like this give the chance to share knowledge and information that will benefit all of us as we work together to keep our borough safe.”

Find out about community safety tips and advice from the Metropolitan Police Website and London Fire Brigade Website.

Published: 1 October 2018