Bridge Close artist's impression.
Bridge Close artist's impression.

Following an initial round of consultation in September, residents and businesses have a further opportunity to share their views on plans to transform Bridge Close, an area of Romford town centre.

The two-day public exhibition is taking place on:

  • Day 1: Saturday 17 November, from 10am – 4pm at The Mercury Shopping Centre Mercury Gardens, Romford RM1 3EE (Level 1, next to Bonmarche)
  • Day 2: Tuesday 20 November, from 4pm – 7pm at Elim Christian Centre, Wheatsheaf Road, Romford, Essex RM1 2HD

The exhibition, which is the second in a series of consultation events, will show how the plans are responding to local aspirations and ambitions, as well as the feedback raised so far.

The redevelopment of Bridge Close would create a new quarter of Romford Town Centre, delivering homes and additional jobs, as well as a primary school, health services and community facilities.

The plans would open up new pedestrian and cycle links to the town centre and create attractive public spaces along a stretch of the River Rom for the whole community to enjoy.

The plans are being brought forward by a joint venture between London Borough of Havering and First Base, an urban regeneration specialist and Savills Investment Management who own land in Bridge Close.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of the Council, said:

“Havering residents are at the heart of everything we do so it’s always good to hear directly from local people and businesses.

“The regeneration of Bridge Close will open up this part of Romford town centre for the whole community to enjoy; with the revival of the River Rom, new homes and community facilities.

"I encourage everyone to come along and have their say on how the plans will be developed”.

A spokesperson at First Base said:

“We would like to thank everyone who attended the first consultation event in September and we look forward to discussing our plans further with the local community.

“We are carefully considering the issues that are important to local people and would like to explain how we are responding to this feedback as the plans progress”.

Further information can be found on the Bridge Close website which will be updated on Saturday 10 November, or by contacting Cascade Communications on 020 7871 3565.

Published: 12 November 2018