One Havering Community Cohesion Strategy to be discussed.

Local residents and groups are being invited to discuss how we can make the community even better.

Fostering good community relations will be at the top of Havering Council’s agenda as it hosts a meeting to discuss the One Havering Community Cohesion Strategy.

The meeting will provide the context for the formal launch of a series of related projects.

Attended by Council Leader Councillor Damian White, the launch will take place at Havering Town Hall on Tuesday, 29 January between 6pm and 8pm, and local individuals, faith, voluntary, charity, and diverse groups are being invited to take part.

The aim of the strategy is to foster good community relations and promote civic pride.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, said:

“Havering has always been a great place to live and work and we want to continue building better communities by breaking down barriers in health, communities and diversity.

“The One Havering Community Cohesion Strategy is the first for our borough. Its purpose is to enable different groups to come together in positive, interactive ways. Our launch event will discuss how we can live better together through faith, sport, a hobby or some other interest.”

Tuesday’s launch will explore topics such as “what we mean by British values”, what events and projects can be set up to promote positive relationships and agreeing the way forward.

Anyone who lives or works in Havering is welcome to attend.

Published: 24 January 2019