The third Meet the Buyer event took place this morning and was an opportunity for businesses to discuss potential future work on three sites earmarked for regeneration.

25 people from 19 local businesses attended the event, looking at three of the sites earmarked for regeneration, including the Waterloo Estate in Romford and Napier and New Plymouth Houses in Rainham.

This means over 165 people from 104 local businesses have taken part in the three events so far, with the final event still to come on March 7.

These events form a key part of Havering Council and Wates Residential’s ambition to deliver a borough-wide legacy through investment in employment, education, skills and training.

This includes a pledge from the developer to boost the local economy by using local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

This investment will make up a minimum of 10 percent of the total programme, valued at £100m of contracts to be secured by local businesses.

They are an opportunity for local suppliers to learn about contract opportunities for groundworks, hard and soft landscaping, brickwork, roofing, windows, carpentry, plastering and dry lining, curtain walling, security, design, tiling, painting and decorating, and cladding and lighting protection.

Sourcing local suppliers is also kinder on the environment as it can cut the carbon emissions that are usually produced by travelling large distances.

The final event takes place on March 7, with local businesses of all sizes, including social enterprise suppliers, urged to attend if they are interested in getting involved. The events are free to attend but pre-registration is essential and businesses should contact if they are interested.

For further opportunities, the Council is encouraging local businesses to join the Supply Chain Initiative. Once registered, this ensures that businesses are updated about all the upcoming opportunities in the borough.

Sign up to the Supply Chain Initiative

Published: 28 February 2019