Cabinet approves plans to tackle violence against women and girls in Havering

Plans to tackle violence against women and girls in the borough have been outlined by Havering Council.

A three-year plan was agreed by the Council’s cabinet and includes a programme to:

  • spot the early signs of domestic violence against women and girls
  • action to prevent, protect and support women and girls who are being abused
  • take action against offenders and ensure that the police are supported in using their powers to full effect

Between October 2017 and September 2018, there were 2,405 reported incidents of domestic abuse in the borough, according to a review of police crime data.

Of these, 665 resulted in injuries. The figures showed that the level of domestic abuse had increased by 5.3 percent compared with the previous 12 months.

Caroline Bruce, Havering's Director of Neighbourhoods, said:

“We are ramping up our plans to take action against people who commit these terrible offences. No one should have to experience violence and we want to send a clear message that this will not be tolerated.

“Women and girls should feel safe and protected both inside and outside of their homes and feel reassured that we are working closely with the police, refuges and other agencies to reduce incidences and provide the necessary help and support.”

Plans are currently underway for Havering Council to host a violence against women and girls conference this summer.

Published: 24 April 2019