Liberty Shopping centre Romford masterplan exhibition

Since launching the public consultation of the Romford Masterplan in January this year, our first exhibition provided an opportunity to see an overview of feedback received to date.

The exhibition, which took place on Saturday 4 May at Liberty Shopping Centre, also explained how this feedback from residents and businesses is helping to shape the Masterplan for Romford.

Some of the emerging themes included just how important the market is for many people, people’s desire for a more distinctive offer for Romford, more green space and an environment that encourages healthier living.

More non-retail uses, the need for better connectivity around the town centre, a wider range of quality dining options and a local economy that encourages and supports independent businesses were all represented.

The primary purpose of the exhibition was to ask the public what they thought of emerging ideas and responses from the public were overwhelmingly positive.

People were particularly supportive of ideas around reinvigorating the market and improving the town centre environment.

The team spoke to just under 200 people on the day and received completed feedback forms from 130 people. 

Unable to attend on the day?

View the exhibition content

On-going feedback is encouraged to help to refine the ideas further, before the draft Masterplan is shared with the public at an exhibition over the summer.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of the Council, said:

“This first Masterplan exhibition was a great opportunity to review what local people have told us they want for Romford Town Centre in the future.

“Whether it’s the historic market or our variety of shopping centres, our job is to protect what we love about Romford and look at ways to improve it. 

“The feedback on the ideas so far will help to shape a new Romford Masterplan, which in turn will help guide future development in the town centre”.

There will still be plenty of opportunities for people to get involved in the coming months. 

There will be a further exhibition, expected to be scheduled for early July, which will be the main opportunity to formally present the draft Masterplan to the public in its more completed form.

Published: 8 May 2019