The Leader of Havering Council, Councillor Damian White, has joined forces with the borough’s Public Health Chief Mark Ansell to issue a powerful message to residents, asking them to be a #HaveringHero and save lives by following all advice on coronavirus.

With cases increasing in the borough as in the rest of the country and doctors and nurses battling to treat growing numbers of seriously ill residents, Cllr Damian White and Mr Ansell have told residents to make sure they follow the guidance available.

This includes staying at and working from home, only going out for essential items, social distancing and the specific guidance telling older and vulnerable people not to leave the house.

Cllr Damian White said:

“This is a call to action for everyone in the borough. Coronavirus will kill many people but it will kill countless more unless YOU take action NOW.

“The advice from the Prime Minister and health experts is clear, but it needs to be heeded by us all to be effective. Too many people across Havering treated the weekend just gone as a normal one.

“We will need to look back on this dark episode in our lives as one during which residents took care of one another, did the right thing and stayed at home to help our NHS. This virus has yet to hit its peak and unless we take action together now our health services could be overwhelmed.

“Our doctors and nurses, paramedics, as well as police officers and firefighters are heroes everyday but this is our chance to be a #HaveringHero. Stay at home and save a life. Don’t send your children to school. Take care of the people around you and tell us if there’s someone vulnerable who needs help. It really is that simple.”

Mr Ansell said:

“Staying at home will help our health services beat this virus. If you must go out, keep 2metres or 6 feet away from other people. Wash your hands regularly and apply the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it message for blowing your nose and coughs and sneezes. And wash your hands more than usual and for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water.

“People over 70, no matter how fit and well you feel, must apply the most stringent possible rules around social distancing and staying at home. So too must everyone in the borough who suffers a range of health conditions or is pregnant.

“The guidance is at I need anyone who can access that guidance to tell a friend, neighbour or relative who may not use the internet to follow it. Spread the guidance, not the virus.”

View our Coronavirus (Covid 19) information page that collects together news, advice and service changes.

Published: 23 March 2020