Havering Council has announced it is releasing half a million pounds in initial funding so that local care providers can continue to support vulnerable people during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The funding is part of a £4 million package announced by the Council this week.

The additional money will help the elderly and most vulnerable to continue receiving a range of services in residential and nursing homes and allow the health and care sectors to operate without fear over funding of their services and jobs.

Council leader, Councillor Damian White, said:

“Our staff and essential care services are under an enormous amount of pressure and we want to ensure that the services providing care for our most vulnerable residents aren’t at breaking point before they get the help and support they need.

“Our home carers and residential care workers are doing a fantastic job to ensure our loved ones are safe and well and I’d like to personally thank them for their dedication and hard work.

“We’ve allocated £500,000 of funding to 163 care and residential services so that they can continue to provide crucial care without fear of closure or being unable to pay their staff.”

The Council has written to the providers to make them aware of the imminent funding to help them handle situations directly related to Covid 19.

The funding, drawn from monies supplied from central government in response to the Covid 19 crisis, will go to residential homes, nursing homes, supported living placements and homecare placements to enable them to continue to provide care out of hospital.

The council will continue to review the situation, and where necessary, consider additional funding.

Published: 2 April 2020