Havering Council and Tapestry have joined forces to expand the Care Call Service and the Telephone Befriending Service.
We know many Havering residents are struggling to cope and want to talk to someone.
Alongside the bereavement line the Council have set up with Havering MIND this week for those that have lost loved ones to Covid 19, this new phone line is extended to anyone in the borough feeling isolated and lonely and want to speak to a friendly person.
The befriending phone line is 01708 796611 and is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and weekends, 10am to 4pm.
Tapestry has been running a telephone befriending service for over 20 years, and people who would like that regular contact are matched with a volunteer who has a similar outlook on life and common interests to provide companionship and to keep them connected to the local community.
This new Befriending number consolidates the support that is available in the borough as well as increases the volume of people in Havering that the volunteers can support, ensuring that no-one that needs help is left behind.
In addition, the Care Call Service, established by Tapestry in response to Coronavirus, provides anyone who needs it with a call as often as they want one to check on their health and wellbeing and to ensure that they have all they need.
That means not just checking that they have essentials like food and medicine, but to also ensure they have access to things they like to do, such as puzzles and games and are that are aware of the many online, radio and TV entertainments that are available daily.
The caller will, if necessary, arrange for immediate delivery or urgent supplies, arrange delivery of puzzles and games and will be happy to have a chat, if that is what the caller wants.
Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:
“We continue to work together with our valued charity sector colleagues to understand the challenges that our residents face in these unprecedented times, and find solutions that will provide the assistance and support that they need to get through this crisis.
“On Monday we launched the bereavement phone line with Havering Mind, to help those people who have lost loved ones to Covid 19 and today, I am so proud to be part of the launch for the befriending service with Tapestry which will offer support to those residents struggling with isolation and loneliness.
"I urge anyone that is feeling lonely to pick up the phone and make that call; it could make all the difference to your mental wellbeing”.
Tony Lowe, CEO of Tapestry Care UK Limited said:
“Not surprisingly as the necessary lockdown continues, many of us are feeling a little anxious, isolated and lonely.
"Our new service is there to provide care, support and companionship to anyone that needs it during these difficult times.
"Please don’t worry unnecessarily alone, call us and one of our team will be happy to help".
Full details on how you can access the care call service, or volunteer to be a befriender, can be found on the Tapestry website, by calling 01708 796600 or emailing hello@tapestry-uk.org