Schools and nurseries across the borough are preparing to gradually re-open from next Monday (June 1) after being given the go-ahead by the Government.

Ten weeks after going into lockdown, children in nurseries, reception and years 1 and 6 have been advised that they can start to return if schools and nurseries show they can meet the Government’s guidelines.

Councillor Damian White, leader of Havering Council, said:

“We want our schools and nurseries to open up again as soon as possible, but ensuring that it’s safe for children, pupils and staff to return is our number one priority.

“We’ve been working closely with the schools and nurseries to ensure they have the information, support and protective equipment they need to keep themselves safe, and ultimately the decision about whether to re-open remains with the individual head teacher or nursery  owner.”

Once the schools and nurseries re-open, new arrangements will be put in place. For example:

  •  children will be in smaller groups to reduce the risk of infection
  •  the start and finish times may vary
  •  children may not attend every day and their curriculum may be different
  •  they may have to move classroom and have different teachers.

The circumstances will differ between schools and nurseries as they will need to consider how they can minimise the risk of infection to protect everyone involved.

  • To help everyone keep as safe as possible, children and parents are being asked to observe the following:
  •  to walk or cycle to their school or nursery, where possible
  •  if travelling on public transport and when with other children, to keep 2 metres part
  •  continue to regularly wash their hands or use hand sanitiser

Councillor White added:

“If schools and nurseries can’t adhere to the guidelines, they have been advised not to open, and parents who decide to keep their children at home will not be fined.”

As well as younger children returning from next week, children in years 10 and 12 are expected to start returning from 15 June.

Meanwhile, the arrangements for the children of key workers and vulnerable children remain the same, and they can carry on attending school.

For children not returning, home learning will continue.  Schools will continue their programme of work with them and they will still have access to facilities on the Family Services Hub and Local Offer pages, as well their usual channels.

Useful links

To contact the Department for Education

Information about returning to schools and nurseries

Published: 29 May 2020