Cllr Damian White
Cllr Damian White, Leader of the Council

“During the past few months I have been humbled at the way communities from all races and backgrounds in Havering have come together to support each other at a time of shared crisis.

"We have shown solidarity and kindness. It has been a reminder of what makes Havering a truly special place.

“Recent and tragic events in America are a stark reason for us to champion this spirit of acceptance and inclusivity. In Havering we must always reject racism, inequality and discrimination in all forms. 

“Havering Council actively works against racism and discrimination and we do not tolerate it. Like every institution across the country, we all have more to do to tackle it.

"We work with multi-agency partners like the police as well as community groups on issues including hate crime and community cohesion.

"We hold community forums and internal staff forums to provide opportunities to understand and discuss the issues and evidence and agree action.

"That work recently has included research to understand the impacts of Covid 19 on Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and residents so that we can act to help people be safer.

“We have moved to reassure our staff, particularly those from BAME backgrounds, who understandably may have been more directly affected by the events in America, with a message from the Council’s Chief Executive.

"I want everyone to feel Havering Council is an inclusive place to work with equal opportunities for all. 

“I want everyone to feel at home in Havering, regardless of race, background, religion, gender or sexuality. We must continue to work together to make sure we treat everyone with equality, fairness and kindness in everything we do.” 

Published: 4 June 2020