Site locations for public consultation
Site locations for public consultation

Local residents and businesses have an opportunity to share their views on the plans to transform the first three of the nine development sites in Rainham earmarked for regeneration.

The Rainham and Beam Park Regeneration LLP, Havering Council’s joint venture partnership with Notting Hill Genesis, are proposing the new developments, which includes approximately 160 new homes for local people as well as the relocation of the much-loved Silver Hall Social Club.

Rainham and Beam Park was established as a Housing Zone in November 2015, and the Council has ambitious plans to transform the declining industrial area along the A1306 into a vibrant new urban community for local people.

This includes much-needed new homes for Havering residents, including affordable and family homes, along with green open spaces and access to public transport and employment opportunities. 

Residents are invited to take park in the online public consultation, which runs until the 3 July, to share their views on the proposal for the first three sites, and on the wider development in the area.

There will be a chance to view plans and drawings and share comments.

Take part in the consultation

If you are not able to access the online consultation but would still like to view the proposals and provide feedback, please call 07468 437150 to speak to a member of the team.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“I am particularly thrilled that, after extensive talks with the Silver Hall Social Club, we have been able to propose new accommodation and facilities for the local community.

“Havering residents remain at the heart of everything we do so it’s always good to hear directly from local people and businesses and I welcome your comments and suggestions on how to shape these proposals.

“The regeneration will open up this part of Rainham for the whole community to enjoy; with new homes and community facilities for local people and I encourage everyone to have their say on how the plans will be developed”.

John Hughes, Group Director of Development at Notting Hill Genesis (NHG), said:

“Notting Hill Genesis in partnership with Havering Council are privileged to work with the community of Rainham and Beam Park to provide new homes and community facilities.

"We would like to invite you and all members of the community to take part in the consultation of the development of new homes and the future of Rainham and Beam Park. Thank you for your interest in our plans and I look forward to hearing your views."

Despite the restrictions during Covid-19, we have found a way to present our plans online, as well as make allowances for those who might not have online access, and allow residents and businesses to share their comments and ensure that they can be taken into account as the plans continue to progress in the coming months.

Published: 15 June 2020