Pubs, restaurants and cafes are among a host of businesses which will reopen their doors this Saturday (4 July), as lockdown rules continued to be eased.

The Council is asking residents to enjoy what’s been dubbed by media as Super Saturday, but not to go overboard.

Coronavirus is still in circulation and by drinking too much and breaking social distancing rules – we increase the risk of spreading the virus which could bring on local lockdowns.

We have been working with businesses across the borough to ensure they are ready for reopening and can provide a safe environment, but it’s up to all of us to be sensible, considerate and to stay alert.

The Council is also supporting local police – who will have more officers in town centres this weekend. Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated and we will help the police to keep people safe and to take action if necessary.
Some venues which are reopening may only be able to offer an outside service. Other venues will stay closed so it’s worth checking before you head out to avoid disappointment and overcrowding.

For people visiting pubs, restaurants and other venues reopening from this weekend, here’s what you need to know:

  • If travelling by public transport, remember to wear a face mask
  • Be aware that pubs, restaurants and many other venues will have their capacity reduced in order to meet social distancing guidelines.
  • Different venues will have different rules and in some cases a booking system - so best check ahead for where you’re planning to go
  • As part of government guidance around coronavirus, when visiting a venue you may be asked to give your name for the NHS Test and Trace
  • If people are feeling unwell they can report to the street triage team that will be visible in where Romford Town Centre to help ease pressure on the emergency services
  • Havering Council’s street pastors will be on hand in Romford and Hornchurch

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“We are all happy to see the buzz of our town centres slowly coming back after months of being shut up. This weekend is another step towards our return to normality but it’s crucial we remain alert.

“Whatever you’re doing, it’s vitally important that everyone continues to maintain social distancing to minimise the spread of Covid-19 and avoid a local lockdown.

“We are asking businesses to put the effort in to ensure they can open and operate safely and successfully, in accordance with Government rules – we need residents to do the same.

 “Whatever you are planning to do this weekend and in weeks to come, whether it’s a meal with the family or a beer in a pub garden, enjoy yourself but be responsible. None of us want to see a local lockdown – by working together, we can prevent that.”


Published: 2 July 2020