Havering Council Director of Public Health
Dr Mark Ansell, Havering Council Director of Public Health

Mark Ansell, Havering Council’s Director of Public Health, has commented on the publication of further Covid 19 data.

“In light of media reports of Covid 19 data following the situation in Leicester, I am pleased that the Government has published further detail on the number of cases so far in Havering. The data is published on the coronavirus data website and is updated daily.

"The updated data, which includes ‘pillar 2’ data, shows that as at today in Havering there have been 928 confirmed cases of Covid 19 in total since March 2020.

"That figure is an increase of 193 cases on the data previously published as ‘pillar 1’ data. I must stress that most of those cases that make up the increase are from March and April. The rate of infections in Havering remains consistent with nearby boroughs and is virtually the same rate as in the county of Essex.

"The daily levels of new infections in Havering remain low and steady and I am satisfied as Director of Public Health that the borough can continue with a safe and sensible re-opening. Any evidence that emerges suggesting that cases are beginning to increase significantly will trigger our outbreak management plans. Should that occur I will give very clear instructions about what residents and businesses need to do to keep themselves and their communities safe. 

"Until then, I repeat the advice that will keep everyone as safe as possible. Follow the advice on social distancing, self-isolation, wearing face coverings and practicing good hand hygiene. If you have a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change to your sense of smell or taste, stay at home and arrange a test immediately. 

Being careful about sticking to the advice and courteous to others’ needs in how you act when out and about the borough will help us all stay safe.”

Published: 3 July 2020