Havering residents are being reminded to be safe and act responsibly in the boroughs parks and green spaces as warm weather returns this weekend.

The borough’ parks have been a haven for everyone during the coronavirus lockdown with them being places to exercise and meet safely while social distancing.

The Council is reminding residents that keeping safe in our parks is also important and this includes not camping or hosting BBQs and lighting fires, which are not only dangerous but are against the parks byelaws and are illegal.

Officers have had to call the London Fire Brigade recently, including twice last weekend to put out fires from disposable BBQs, which could have caused danger to both visitors and wildlife.

It is also illegal to camp, hold parties or host unauthorised music events.

The Council and Police are working closely together to tackle these and will remove any items which are found in parks which appear to be related to this activity, including tents, generators and chairs.

These will be stored by the Council for seven days before being disposed of.

Visitors to the parks are also reminded to not drop their litter. If a bin is full, to find another one or take your rubbish home with you.

Anyone caught dropping litter could face a fine of up to £80.

If using the play areas, outdoor gyms and other recreational areas, it is important to follow the advice on signs in our parks, including using your own sanitiser to clean hands before and after using the shared equipment.

You should also wash your hands thoroughly when you get home again.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“We know how important our parks have been to our residents during the coronavirus lockdown. They were among the very few places we could go when the restrictions were at their highest.

“To ensure we can continue to enjoy our parks for exercise and wellbeing as well as being able to meet our family and friends while social distancing, we need everyone to help us keep our parks free from litter and safe for visiting.

“Please don’t drop your litter, clear up after you, consider those around you and enjoy the beauty of our parks in a safe way.”

Published: 10 July 2020