Litter picker

Havering Council is supplying litter pickers for residents to borrow and hold their own socially distanced community clean-ups in the areas where they live this month.

This is in support of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean, which runs from 11-27 September 2020.

Residents can book their litter picks in advance by emailing

Once booked, they will be able to pick up the equipment from the Council’s Harrow Lodge Depot in Hornchurch Road, from this Friday (11 September 2020).

The Council’s street cleaning team will collect the litter following any events.

To ensure that any clean up activity is carried out safely, the Council is recommending no more than 6 people take part in any one activity litter pick and that residents follow the guidelines on keeping safe around Covid 19.

The equipment will be cleaned prior to collection and then cleaned again, upon return ready for the next group or individuals to use.

Equipment should be returned within 48 hours after the event has taken place.

Councillor Osman Dervish, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said:

“We’re delighted to be supporting Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean.

“We want to encourage residents to help us by doing their bit and joining us this month by booking a litter pick and either host or join in a litter clean-up in their communities.

“We know the majority of our residents put their litter in the bin or take it home with them. Unfortunately, it is the selfish few who don’t.

“As part of our own Cleaner Havering campaign, we have been getting the message out there to those that do drop litter in our streets or parks, that we won’t tolerate it. 

“Keeping our borough clean and safe is part of the recovery from Covid 19 and if we all work together, we can help to make that happen.”

Join the Great British September Clean

Published: 8 September 2020