Havering Council’s cabinet has agreed to the extension of the successful Landlord Licensing Scheme.

This means the scheme, which currently covers 12 wards, will be rolled out  to a further six wards in the borough, covering Cranham, Emerson Park, Hacton, Hylands, St Andrew’s and Upminster.

Last night, cabinet members also agreed to the introduction of a selective licensing scheme to cover single-family properties in Romford Town and Brooklands wards only.

A consultation was held in September last year to get views on the extension and selective licensing.

It will come into force on 25 January 2021 and will operate for five years.

Overall, the Landlord Licensing Scheme will help:

  •  private rented properties offer residents a choice of safe, quality and well-managed accommodation
  •  reduce anti-social behaviour in the private rented sector
  •  further increase enforcement action on landlords that operate below-standard and unlicensed properties
  •  continue to provide support to landlords who meet requirements and already provide good quality accommodation and service.

Since the current scheme, which regulates local housing in multiple occupancy (HMOs), was launched in March 2018, enforcement action has included:

  • £417,500 worth of FPNs (Final Penalty Notices) issued
  • 314 HMO licences issued to landlords.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, said:

“After a consultation last year, there was support to extend this scheme. It means we can further look to help increase protection to tenants, support landlords and further support our aim of tackling poor management, overcrowding and anti-social behaviour.”

Published: 15 October 2020