covid marshals on patrol
Covid Marshals in Havering.

New Covid Marshals have been deployed across Havering this week to support the Council’s fight against coronavirus.

The Marshals will work with residents and encourage compliance with the current Covid 19 restrictions, including encouraging the wearing of face coverings to those who are not exempt and social distancing.

They will be deployed in areas where the Council has received the most concerns about non-compliance.

This includes smaller shopping parades, outside schools, around transport hubs and in our parks.

The Marshals will work with Council officers to encourage people to do their bit and help slow the spread of Covid 19.

Though the Marshals have no formal enforcement powers, they will escalate breaches and issues where non-compliance continues.

They will work closely with the Council’s Public Protection Team or the Police who have the authority to take enforcement action.

This could include a Penalty of between £200 and £10,000.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“It has been pleasing to see that so many in our community have adapted well to the new national restrictions, but unfortunately there are still those who do not seem to grasp the severity of the situation.

"As the numbers continue to rise, it is more important than ever that people do not become complacent.

“As such, I am pleased to welcome our new Covid Marshals, and thank them for their support in our fight against this dreadful virus.

 “Our Covid Marshalls are there to engage and encourage first and foremost, but will escalate issues if non-compliance persists.

"We all need to work with our new Marshals, our enforcement and compliance teams and the local police to do our bit and beat this awful virus in Havering.”


Published: 13 November 2020