A public meeting has been arranged by Havering Council to update residents following concerns about anti-social behaviour at a local college.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, has set up a meeting between the Council, local MP Andrew Rosindell, Havering College, the police and public.

It comes after a number of incidents involving students took place at the Ardleigh Green campus, resulting in complaints from residents.

A Zoom meeting next Thursday, 26 November (from 6.30 pm to 7.30pm) will give residents an update on what actions have been taken so far and to hear their concerns.

Councillor White said:

“The reports that we have received about anti-social behaviour at the college aren’t acceptable, but we’re pleased to see that the college has acted quickly to clamp down on the situation.

“The meeting will give us an opportunity to have an open discussion and give residents our reassurance that we and the different agencies are working together to sort things out.”

Andrew Rosindell, MP for Romford said:
"Recent events in Ardleigh Green have been shocking and unacceptable.

"Local residents must not be left to feel threatened and unsafe in this way and I will do everything in my power, in conjunction with the Police, Havering College and Havering Council, to ensure swift action to make our community safe again.

“Ardleigh Green is a family-oriented community.

"It is the sort of place where students attending college should be able to thrive and grow. Instead, those who are engaging in disruptive, threatening, and even criminal behaviour are ruining everything for those students who want to further their education and local people who want to live in peace in their own homes.

“Enough is enough, this violence and anti-social behaviour must stop and I stand by the local people of Ardleigh Green. We will get through this together."

A number of actions have already been taken by the college, who are working with the Council and the police to address the problems.

In addition to this, the Council has asked its new Covid marshals to patrol the area and the Director of Children’s Services, Robert South and Assistant Director of Education, Trevor Cook have also arranged to meet the principal to discuss how the Council can further support the college.

Thursday’s meeting is expected to be attended by Councillor White, Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, local police, Robert South and Trevor Cook.

For anyone wishing to take part, please register via Eventbrite.

Published: 19 November 2020