Havering is in Tier 4 coronavirus restrictions. Stay at home.

The Government has announced new Tier 4 restrictions, which will be in force from Sunday 20 December to all of London, including Havering.

The new restrictions from one minute past midnight on Sunday 20 December

  • People in Tier 4 areas must stay at home, apart from limited exemptions set out in law. Non-essential retail, indoor gyms and leisure facilities, and personal care services must close. 
  • People in Tier 4 areas should not mix with anyone outside their own household at Christmas. Support bubbles will remain in place for those at particular risk of loneliness or isolation.
  • People must work from home if they can, but may travel to work if this is not possible, for example in the construction and manufacturing sectors.
  • People should not enter or leave tier 4 areas, and must not stay overnight away from home. Individuals can only meet one person from another household in an outdoor public space.
  • Communal worship can continue to take place in Tier 4 areas.
  • People in Tier 4 areas will not be permitted to travel abroad apart from limited exceptions, such as for work purposes.

These measures will take effect from one minute after midnight as Saturday turns in to Sunday 20 December.

Further guidance on what the new rules mean will be published on our coronavirus information page and on social media when available.

All of the borough’s leisure centres will not open on Sunday 20 December. Havering Council will make further announcements about how the new restrictions affect council services in due course. 

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“Tier Four means new rules about what we can and cannot do. We have asked government in particular for urgent guidance about clinically extremely vulnerable residents.

"There is no responsible option for any of us but to abide by the new rules in full for as long as they are in place because this is about saving lives and protecting the NHS.”

“The next fortnight will be extremely difficult for us all but the spirit of Christmas is about faith in each other, faith in friendship and family, and faith in community. It is that faith and our action together that will get us through this.”

“This year many of us will only be able to share that faith and that love by telephone, email or video call. I urge everyone to think of those near us who will be on their own at Christmas. For those people, a friendly phone call or a warm word over the fence can make all the difference.”

Published: 19 December 2020