messy garden

A man who failed to clear up his garden after being served two ‘untidy land’ notices has been successfully prosecuted at Barkingside Magistrates' Court on 8 June 2021.

The Notices (under powers given in Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990)), required Mr Keith Eaton to clear and tidy the land and remove overgrown vegetation, rubbish, discarded metal and household goods and other waste from his garden areas. 

Mr Eaton, owner of 7 and 11 Elm Road, pleaded guilty to the charges of failing to comply with each of the S215 Notices and will still now be required to tidy both properties in full, as well as pay the fines and incur a criminal conviction. 

The Magistrates found in favour of Havering Council and ordered Mr Eaton to pay the following.

  • £330 for each offence, £660 in total.
  • Victim surcharges totalling £66.
  • £4,000 in costs to be repaid back to the Council.
  • Total fines and costs of £4,726 was ordered to be paid within 28 days.

Mr Eaton must now fully comply with both Notices and clear the front and rear gardens within 12 weeks or face a second series of prosecutions. 

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“This successful prosecution shows that home owners will not get away with flouting planning laws and I’d like to thank Council officers for all of their efforts with this case.

“This is a prime example of why residents should keep their garden areas clear and tidy and free from waste as not doing so is harmful to nearby neighbour’s enjoyment of their own gardens.

"Failure to do so will cause expense and hassle that is far in excess of just keeping garden areas clean and tidy in the first place.”

Read more about planning enforcement notices

Published: 10 June 2021