Crackdown on fly tippers
Fly tipping found in Angel Way, Romford

In the last year, Havering Council has been cracking down on fly tippers and litter louts, by issuing over £21,000 in fines.

Since June 2020, the Council has issued 200 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to fly tippers, and 147 FPNs for littering and failure to dispose of waste properly.

This includes:

  • Jutsums Lane, Romford -  In February 2021, dumped rubbish was found at the foot tunnel near Jutsums Lane and Nursery Walk. As a result of further investigation, the dumped rubbish was traced back to a nearby address. A fine was served a FPN totalling £400.
  • East Hall Lane, Upminster – In March 2021, two separate FPNs were issued for cardboard waste being dumped in the area. Each fine was for £400.
  • Elm Road, Collier Row – In March 2021, a fine totalling £400 was issued by the team, following a report that six bags of commercial waste had been fly tipped on a public road.
  • Phillip Road, Rainham – In April 2021, following a report being received via the Love Havering App, our team was in a position to track down and issue a fine for the sum of £400.00 to the perpetrator of household waste being dumped on the road.
  • Angel Way, Romford – In December 2020, another report via the Love Havering App was received that enabled officers to investigate and then issue a FPN totalling £400 for the offence of fly tipping.

Havering is regularly in the top 10 of London boroughs carrying out enforcement action against fly tippers.

Yet fly tipping still costs the Council approximately £1m each year to deal with.

In December 2020 alone, the Environmental Enforcement team received 19 reports relating to fly tipping and littering in the Brooklands ward.

Of these reports, 11 resulted in various enforcement action being taken.

In February this year, the Council began working in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy to tackle the issues of fly tipping in this ward.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, said:

“The actions of our enforcement teams show that here in Havering, we won’t tolerate the illegal dumping of waste.

“We are continuing to encourage residents to report it to us but also for them to dispose of their rubbish legally and responsibly.

 “Fly-tipping is a serious crime which negatively affects our residents, businesses and the local environment.

“Each year we’re left with an unnecessary clean-up bill of around one million pounds. 

“This is money which could be better spent on critical frontline services, where we can look to help improve the lives of our most vulnerable residents.

"Especially as we look to recover from the fight against coronavirus.”

In 2019, the Council launched its Cleaner Havering campaign aimed at making the borough cleaner and tidier, together with the help of residents.

This has included encouraging more reporting of fly tipping and littering and increasing enforcement action around both.

The Love Havering App is a quick and easy way of reporting fly tipping.

Residents using this, can also get a response back telling them when the fly tip has been cleared.

Published: 16 June 2021