Cranham Brickfields is a real gem, containing an outstanding array of different wildlife habitats within a postage stamp sized nature reserve.

The site is designated by the Greater London Authority as a Grade I Site of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation.

There's a good sized pond here, wildflower meadows, scrub, look out for briar rose, and woodland.

Spring and summer are a great time to visit when the meadows are in flower and the scrub creates song posts for a great variety of migrant birds.

The site has had a number of past uses.

Not only has it been used for excavating clay to make bricks but it has been a football pitch, it was cultivated for food during the main war effort, and at one time there was a boating lake here.

The site is good for all kinds of recreation including sports or walking the dog.

It is a peaceful oasis on the edge of Cranham.

The site also has the potential for school visits for wildlife studies.

Location map

Special plants and animals

Dyer's greenweed, pepper saxifrage, slow worm, common lizard, stag beetle, butterflies and great crested newt.

The site is 8.5 hectares.


The site is not wheelchair accessible.

There is open access over the entire site. You can find more information about the site, including a map on The Brickfield Birder website.


There is a small car park in the north west corner of the site.

Other information

There is a public right of way running through the site from Sunnycroft Gardens to St. Mary's Lane.