Parking bay suspensions are for utility companies or on street work services looking to suspend parking in an area.

They stop the public parking in parking bays so work can be carried out.

If you are looking for information on trades people being allowed to park on yellow lines, parking bays or pay and display bays please visit our parking dispensation page.

Only utility and street work companies can apply.

Applications must be made 5 days in advance unless it is an emergency.

Information we will need

  • Contact details for your organisation
  • Number of bays to be suspended
  • The start and end dates for the suspension
  • The full address and post code of the location
  • Reason for suspension
  • Any pictures of the area
  • Traffic management plans

Parking bay suspension cost

The cost is based on the number of days a bay is suspended and the daily charge is based on how many days the bays are suspended.

7 days or less  is £64 (£70 from 1 April 2025) per day per bay.

8 to 14 days is £122 (£130 from 1 April 2025) per day per bay.

More than 14 days £181 (£195 from 1 April 2025) per day per bay.

Application process

Once we have received your application form we will review your application and let you know if it has been successful or not.

If your application is successful we will notify you and suspend the bays at the appointed time.

If your application is turned down we will notify you and you will receive a refund.

We require 5 days notice for suspensions unless it is an emergency.

If it is an emergency then please submit the form as soon as possible and we will endeavour to suspend the parking bays as soon as possible.

In emergencies you do not need to wait for approval.

Parking bay suspension application form

Apply for a parking bay suspension

Terms and conditions

All applications must be received at least 5 working days before the date you want the suspension to start.

We need a minimum of 5 working days notice to process an application.

5 working days doesn’t include the day you make your application but starts from the next working day. Working days don’t include weekends or bank holidays.

Applications received outside of this 5 day period may still be considered, but you must explain why you’re applying at short notice.

If you need a suspension on multiple roads, you will need to submit a separate application for each road.

All applications are subject to an approval process.

We will need you to submit your application a minimum of 5 working days prior to the suspension start date. Suspension requests can only be submitted via our online suspension system.

Applications received outside of this 5 day period unless they are an emergency.

The person or company requesting the suspension(s) is responsible to make sure any vehicles park within the bay limits of the suspended bay.

Suspensions will be withdrawn by the council for misuse of the parking bays or unacceptable behaviour towards our staff, contractors and members of the public.

Any number of parking bays can be suspended, as long as they are on the same road; where parking suspensions are needed on more than one road, more than one suspension must be requested – an administration fee will apply for each suspension request; the council will only grant suspensions of up to 6 months in duration.

Disabled bays will only be suspended in exceptional circumstances. If you need to suspend such a bay, you will be required to suspend an additional parking space for the bay users; you will also be required to cover the costs of the alternative parking space.

Although Parking Services will install appropriate suspension signs, we can’t guarantee that a suspended space will be free and do not accept liability for any additional costs that you may incur due to obstructions. You will be responsible for ensuring the bay(s) are coned off the day preceding the works.

The council does not issue suspensions for red routes. To obtain information for parking waivers for red routes please contact Transport for London on 0343 222 3333.

Charges apply whether a bay is suspended during parking zone hours or not. A parking suspension fee is not dependant on the controlled operational hours of a zone but rather on the sole use of the space.



Suspension signs are created according to the department of transport regulations.

If you’ve arranged for a suspension but the signs are missing on the day of the suspension, contact us on 07946 738495.

We will attempt to replace missing suspension signs but can’t guarantee we’ll be able to do so on the same day.


The Council will suspend the area requested, or equivalent nearby area.

We always try to put up advance warning notices around 3 days before the start of the suspension; however, we cannot guarantee that the area will be kept clear.

If vehicles are parked in suspended bays, please telephone 07946 738495.

We can only enforce on obstructing vehicles if you report them. It’s your responsibility to contact us and request enforcement.

The speed of the response will depend on our enforcement officers’ locations and when you make the request.

Please note we cannot arrange vehicle removal.

If you use unauthorised spaces you may be subject to enforcement.

The Council may issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs). Havering Council will pursue additional payment if your equipment or material is found to be occupying additional bays.

Any vehicles that are parked within a suspended bay must either be sign written with the applicant’s logo or company name or a sign showing your company logo must be placed in the windscreen.

This will alert Civil Enforcement Officers (often called parking wardens).

Failure to do so may result in a PCN being issued. Please note subcontractors are also expected to display this sign. We are unable to accept handwritten notes.


If you need to cancel or end your suspension early, the Council will be able to refund you the parking space charges for the period of the suspension you do not require if you can provide at least 3 days’ notice of your intention to finish your suspension early.

You are required to inform us of all cancellations as soon as possible, this will allow us to release the suspended bays back to residents and local motorists.

If you need to cancel a suspension please email