Report illegally parked vehicles

A parking fine, known as a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), will be issued to vehicles found to be parked illegally and you can help by reporting those vehicles to us.

If you have a dropped kerb (crossover) and a vehicle is blocking it (even partially) then you can report it to us by calling 01708 432787 and choosing option 6 then option 1.

Please note that we are only able to investigate vehicles blocking a driveway with a dropped kerb (crossover) if it is your own driveway that you are reporting.

Please also use this form to report vehicles illegally parked on, or driven over the, pavement or council maintained grass verges to access their front gardens or other areas.

If the vehicle is parked on your driveway then this becomes a civil enforcement matter and you should seek legal advice about your options.

Our parking enforcement officers usually operate between 7am and 10pm Monday to Saturday, and between 7.30am and 5.30pm on Sundays. However we have the authority to enforce 24 hours per day if and when required.

An officer may not be available to attend your request immediately as they may be patrolling different locations but an officer will attend as soon as one becomes available.

Please note you won't get a reply about the outcome of an enforcement officer visit.

How to report an illegally parked vehicle

Report an illegally parked vehicle

Alternatively you can report an illegally parked vehicle by calling 01708 432787 and choosing option 6 then option 1.

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